6 Tips For Taking Real Estate Branding Photos - At Home

Six Tips for Taking Real Estate Branding Photos – At Home

In a study of 1.1M photos on Instagram, posts that included a person’s face were 38% more likely to get engagement (a comment or like) than those without faces. (Georgia Tech)

At Coffee & Contracts, we highly encourage our members to use personal photos in the content they share on Instagram. It’s a guaranteed way to boost your post’s engagement and profile reach. Read our tips for boosting Instagram post engagement here.

Now you might be thinking: I have a few photos of myself, but I don’t know if they’re right for promoting my real estate brand on social media

Enter: Personal branding photography

You have a few options with personal branding photography A) hire a professional photographer for a photo shoot and/or B) Set up an at-home photo shoot

Read more here about Hiring a Professional Photographer for a Photo Shoot

What you’ll need at your at-home shoot

  1. Your phone

  2. Your phones timer mode, a remote trigger, or using an apple watch’s camera app to remotely trigger 

  3. A selfie tripod, high bar stool or counter to prop your phone on

  4. An area of the room with natural lighting

  5. An area of the room with neutral colors, and minimal decorations/distractions

  6. Coffee & Contracts Branding Photo Guide for a list of props & poses to include

Claudia Bell

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