What Hashtags Should a Real Estate Agent Use on Instagram?
Are you #stressed about what hashtags to use on Instagram?
You've come to the right place!
So, what's even the point of hashtags?
Make your account discoverable
Build. Your. Audience!
On Instagram, users can now follow hashtags.
Now, if you hashtag #realtorsofinstagram, and I'm following that hashtag - I may discover your profile that way.
I always find local businesses through this method, and I've had clients find me through the hashtag: #StPeteRealtor!
Instagram posts with at least one hashtag averages 12.6% more engagement than a post without hashtags.
Build your brand
tags are a great way to build your brand.
This is a great way to claim a cute slogan with your branding, for example I used #HomeSweetStPete (I live in St. Petersburg, FL).
So, now that we know how important hashtags are - how do we USE them?
Can you think of an agent you know (in real life or just through social media) who is finding success on Instagram? Check out their posts and see what kind of tags they are using. There are also apps and tools to help you determine the most effective tags to use.
Be specific. Make sure your hashtags are targeted and specific for your audience. For example, #RealEstate has 31.7m posts! If you use this hashtag, chances are you're not going to show up in the top results because it so overused. However, try #YourTownRealEstate - #StPeteRealEstate has 10.7k - it's more niched down and targeted towards potential clients looking in this hashtag for a Realtor.
Branded hashtags don't have to mention your name! For example we use #SocialMediaForRealtors. That doesn't say Coffee & Contracts but it's what we do. Don't over-do it. 10
Don't copy and paste the same hashtags everytime! If you always use the same tags, Instagram catches on to this and will flag you as a spammy account. Switch it up everytime!
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