Marketing Ideas for Realtors, Real Estate Marketing Tips
June 3, 2022

The Do's and Don'ts of Email Marketing

The Do's and Don'ts of Email Marketing
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Did you know…The average time spent reading an email is 11.1 seconds? We were surprised too! Today we are rounding up some of our tried and tested tips for writing emails that will actually get opened. Keep on scrollin’ for The Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing – For Realtors.

Tip #1 Make Sure People are Subscribed

Instead of this: Adding people to your list without having them subscribe. (Emails could end up in spam!)

Try this: Use a free incentive and a landing page to encourage email list sign ups. Coffee & Contracts members, instructions for building a landing page with a free incentive can be found in the C&C Strategy Course.

Tip #2 Be Personable and Friendly

Instead of this: Using blanket or impersonal language.


Considering buying new construction? Here are 5 things to consider...

Try this: Use the recipient’s name and speak to them like you are addressing a friend. Most email marketing softwares allow you to insert a name & other personal information automatically, so you can still automate these emails.

Hi Thomas!

I hope all is well. Are you still looking to buy a new build this year? I pulled together this [resource] that might be useful to you.

Tip #3 Be a Resource and Share Valuable Information

Instead of this: Sending out salesy or gimmicky emails too frequently

What do we mean by this? Emails that will obviously be thrown in the trash which include things like generic tips and information that can be found in a quick Google search.

Try this: Build trust by including valuable information that is relevant to your audience. Position yourself as a resource!

Put yourself in their shoes: Is this information valuable and relevant to your audience? Try local market updates, personal stories of how you’ve helped clients achieve their goals, upcoming local events, valuable resources, etc.

Tip #4 A Strong Subject Line is Key

Do you ever catch yourself scratching your chin wondering what your email subject line should be? Your subject line is one of the most important ingredients of a well-written email. If it doesn’t hook your audience, they are far less likely to open your email.

The solution? Try using Omnisend’s subject line tester. A well composed subject line significantly increases the chances of your message being opened and read!

Tip #5 Share Intimate Insights

Think of email as being pen pals with your audience. That means, share more intimate insights with them than you would on social media. Why is that? Remember, your email subscribers opted-in to hear from you – so go deep and give them a look behind the curtain!

Tip #6 Use Templates to Get Started

Don’t go at it alone! Use Coffee & Contract’s guides or checklist templates as your free email sign-up incentives. Take it even further and use Coffee & Contracts’ monthly email newsletter templates.

Claudia Bell

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