Coffee & Contracts Best Practices, Instagram Growth & Strategy, Real Estate Marketing Tips
August 15, 2022

Real Estate Marketing Q&A with The Broke Agent

Real Estate Marketing Q&A with The Broke Agent
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This month, Coffee & Contracts creator, Haley Ingram, sat down with Eric Simon of The Broke Agent to chat about all things real estate marketing.

Below is a recap of their conversation which is truly jam packed with marketing tips, tools and the latest information about marketing your real estate business on Instagram.

We rounded up a few of the conversation highlights below. Join us for this Real Estate Marketing Q&A with The Broke Agent. 

Q: Give us an update on Reels – What’s working now-a-days?

  • Original audio is performing better and being pushed by Instagram. Try implementing a “storytelling” Reel with a hook to grab your viewer’s attention. Here’s what we mean by Storytelling Reels. Also, Check out these storytelling Reels prompts here.

  • Add “Wait for it…” in your Reels to keep your viewer watching. Why? Because, the more people watch your video through to the end, the more Instagram will push the videos to others, increasing the video’s views!

  • The goal is to get more views. The shorter the video, the more views the video will get.

  • Add closed captions over your Reel – the majority of people are still watching Reels without volume

  • Show your face and personality! People want to get to know you!

  • Just getting started with Reels? Don’t sweat! Check out this video to get started.

Q: How do I grow my followers and get in front of more potential clients?

  • Interact meaningfully with other accounts – Instagram will  show your account in the feeds of those you interact with!

  • Have a mix of posts, stories, and Reels. Focus on sharing valuable, relatable content. Focus on quality of posts versus frequency of posts

  • Look at your insights and see what has performed well historically. Repurpose and repeat this content.

  • Ask your audience questions to gauge what they would like to learn about

  • Show your face and personality!

Q: What kind of audio should I use with my Reels?

We recommend adding instrumental audio on low volume to your Reels. Why? It gives the video more interest, plus if it’s a trending audio, the video will have greater reach.

Check out Massive Agent and Over Ask for some great audio to choose from. Also, scroll the Templates page on Reels to see what audio is trending now!

Q: Are hashtags dead?

They still work to categorize your content, however, they can be oversaturated, meaning your content might not be found very easily via hashtags. 

Rules of thumb:

  • Use hashtags with a utilization number between 5k and 10k 

  • User narrow hashtags, instead of general ones. 

  • They’re not going to “make” or “break” your post – focus on quality content above all

Read more about hashtags here.

Q: What are your views on TikTok? What apps should I use to turn my TikTok videos into Reels and vice versa?

TikTok is where internet culture begins. It’s a great place to go and get inspiration for new content and to see what trends are happening, before they reach Instagram.

As you know, Instagram doesn’t like when videos with the TikTok watermark on them are uploaded to the platform, and will often de-prioritize this type of video.

Use the Repost app to turn Reels into TikTok videos. Use the SaveTik app to turn TikTok videos into Reels.

Q: What are your thoughts on horizontal video?

We encourage you to start taking vertical videos instead of horizontal videos.

Why? If we come across a horizontal video, chances are, we’re scrolling past it.

Ask your videographer if they can format your videos to be vertical.

That concludes this month’s Real Estate Marketing Q&A with The Broke Agent.

Have something else you want answered? Comment below and we will include it in our next Q&A!

C&C Members: Watch the replay of this Q&A in the Member-only Facebook Group.

ICYMI: Coffee & Contracts is your one-stop-shop for all things real estate marketing.

Have questions you’d like answered? Check out our other blog posts and Instagram page for the latest information in real estate marketing. If you want to be featured in our next Real Estate Marketing Q&A, send us a message!

Claudia Bell

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