Lindsey Elliott's Advice to New Real Estate Agents

Lindsey Elliott's Advice to New Real Estate Agents

Meet Lindsey Elliott, our Agent of the Week! Lindsey is killing it both on social media and off. She sells Monmouth, Ocean, & Middlesex Counties in New Jersey. You may recognize her from this photo, used in an All Things Real Estate ad!

This sweatshirt has actually gotten Lindsey leads.

When we asked Lindsey Elliott what advice she would give to a real estate agent starting out she said, "Make connections! At the gym, food store, walking your dog - make connections and let people know what you do. An easy way to do that is with a hat or a sweatshirt like I do! I’ve purchased so many things from All Things Real Estate and I’ve gotten leads and closed deals all because of a sweatshirt!"

She says a good way for agents to start

is to "find the market you want to work in, and find a killer agent that you respect and get them to hire you. If they won’t hire you then figure out a way to intern for them. Even if it’s for, a few hours a day, a few times a week. After you prove that you are a great fit for this industry I bet you they will hire you."

Take one look at Lindsey's Instagram page

and you won't be surprised that her biggest sources of leads are from social media, past clients, and her sphere of influence. With a beautiful feed, engaging content, and educational videos you can tell she is making Instagram work for her.

She says, "Instagram was a complete game-changer for my business. The more content I posted the more reactions I got, DMs, followers, etc. I started posting previews of new construction listings and coming soon listings and I would have my followers tag their friends in my content (for one reason: they are looking to buy!) and it all snowballed from there. Without Instagram, I don’t think my business would be where it is today."

If you want to post more video content on social media, Lindsey recommends, "just do it. Don’t overthink it. If you overthink it - you won’t do it at all. You are your hardest critic. Just get content out there every single day!"

Lindsey says Coffee & Contracts has helped her add some extra content to her feed. "Remember what I said before about posting content every day? Well, Coffee & Contracts helps me do that effortlessly. It’s really not easy coming up with content, and I hate posting too many ‘just listed’ or ‘just sold’ posts in a row. So, C&C helps fill in those spots where I need a little help - and it doesn’t hurt that all the content is STUNNING! It blends perfectly with my feed!"

Thank you for sharing with us Lindsey!

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Haley Ingram

Haley Ingram

Founder of Coffee & Contracts

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