Instagram Growth & Strategy
August 31, 2022

Instagram Update of August 2022: What You Need to Know

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As with any aspect of the digital world, change is inevitable. To keep users happy, you must evolve, update, and sometimes backtrack with your social media platforms. Instagram is no exception, with the social media giant trying new techniques to boost the user experience. Some of these changes are met with positive feedback, while others have seen some backlash from users. Explore the Instagram updates of August 2022 and what users need to know.

Backtracking on Algorithm Changes and Full-Screen Feed

Instagram attempted to change up its algorithm and provide users with a full-screen feed in July 2022 to replicate the feed found on the For You page of TikTok. Instagram users did not take these changes lightly and demanded that Instagram return to being Instagram. Users complained that the Instagram AI (artificial intelligence) was doing a poor job of ranking content, providing them with too much content they didn't want to see or weren't interested in receiving.

Furthermore, Instagram head, Adam Mosseri, shares that he's glad Instagram took a risk by trying out a new format. It demonstrates that Instagram is thinking bold and big, even if not all changes improve the platform. Knowing what works and doesn't will help Instagram provide users with the best social media experience possible.

Expanded NFT Feature

NFT or non-tangible tokens are created using similar programming to cryptocurrencies and are considered digital collectibles. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced that Instagram will expand the NFT feature to include 100 countries, allowing users to share their collectibles. The NFT program launched in the United States in May 2022. The expansion in August 2022 includes countries in the Americas, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa. Users who connect their digital wallets to Instagram can share NFTs on the Polygon, Ethereum, and Flow blockchains.

NFTs allow creators control over their work, how they monetize their content, and how they interact with fans. Instagram will tag NFTs shared on Instagram as digital collectibles and will feature a shimmer effect.

Testing Walkie-Talkie Feature and New DM Tab

Instagram is fine-tuning a “walkie-talkie” feature to allow users to speak to each other. Users press a button while in the Instagram app's chat feature. This option for messaging should be simpler than the current voice messaging option available. Instagram is also looking at a new section for the Direct Messages "DM" tab called “all” that will include general and primary conversations in the same place. This feature would be a way to streamline messaging in a user's DMs, making Instagram for Realtors an appealing platform for communications with potential homebuyers.

Instagram continues to monitor how users interact with its social media platform and other forms of social media, experimenting with new features and offerings. To stay on top, a social media giant such as Instagram mustn't become complacent or stagnant; yet, as noted above, users don't always welcome all changes with open arms. Instagram excels at knowing what its users want and listening to what they don't. Instagram updates for Realtors can ensure that real estate professionals have the resources to use the platform effectively.

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