Instagram Growth & Strategy, Marketing Ideas for Realtors
January 19, 2024

Instagram Content Strategy 2024 for Real Estate Agents

Instagram Content Strategy 2024 for Real Estate Agents

In the digital-first world of 2024, real estate agents need a dynamic and effective Instagram strategy to stand out. This comprehensive guide combines the strengths and limitations of various Instagram content types with practical, real-world applications specifically tailored for real estate professionals.

Reels: Dynamic Engagement with a Personal Touch

Strengths: Ideal for reaching new audiences and showcasing properties in a concise, engaging format.

Limitations: Less effective for detailed information sharing.

Ideas for Real Estate:

  • Share stories about your journey and day-to-day life as a real estate agent. Your unique experiences is what sets you apart, and storytelling is entertaining.

  • Highlight local businesses and community events. This will help you to reach more locals and potential clients.

  • Offer your hot takes on the market and buying or selling. This helps you to establish yourself as a thought leader in the field. This not only attracts potential clients who value your expertise but also peers who respect your opinions.

Check out this article for tips on what's working for reels in today's algorithm.

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Carousels: Informative and In-Depth

Carousels are multi-slide posts on Instagram that allow you to share a series of images or videos in a single post. For real estate agents, they offer a unique opportunity to convey stories, provide detailed information, and engage audiences in a more comprehensive manner than single-image posts.

Strengths: Excellent for providing detailed content and nurturing your audience with in-depth insights.

Limitations: Not the first choice for viral content.

Ideas for Real Estate:

  • Tell the story of a recent sale. Use a carousel to tell the story of a recent transaction, starting with an engaging hook like "The one where everything almost fell apart." Each slide can reveal a new chapter of the story, building suspense and engagement.

  • Share your top 3 favorite local restaurants. Showcase your local expertise and by highlighting your favorite restaurants in your city.

  • The biggest mistake I see sellers make. Offer valuable insight into common pitfalls in the home selling process, positioning yourself as a knowledgeable and helpful industry expert.

  • Break down the tools you're using. Share insights into the tools and technologies that make you a more effective and efficient real estate agent. This is great for getting more bookmarks.

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Stories: Building Personal Connections

Strengths: Perfect for real-time engagement and personalized content.

Limitations: Less effective at reaching new audiences.

Ideas for Real Estate:

  • Use interactive Story features for Q&As

  • Share day-to-day experiences

  • Offer glimpses into your personal life to build a relatable brand.

In the Coffee & Contracts Dashboard, we have a daily story idea to help you show up and build your brand each day.

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Graphics: Quick, Shareable Insights

Strengths: Great for easily digestible, shareable content like quotes and statistics.

Limitations: Not suitable for complex or detailed information.

Ideas for Real Estate:

  • Share motivational quotes

  • Share a relatable or inspiring tweet

Collabs: Expanding Your Network

Strengths: Ideal for reaching new audiences and leveraging shared audiences.

Limitations: Can dilute personal brand identity.

Ideas for Real Estate:

  • Collaborate with local businesses and influencers to highlight community involvement and extend your reach.

Instagram Lives: Authentic, Real-Time Interaction

Strengths: Unmatched for real-time engagement and fostering community.

Limitations: Not ideal for audiences preferring on-demand content.

Ideas for Real Estate:

  • Host Q&A sessions on market trends

  • Property walkthroughs

  • Discussions with past clients or local figures.

In 2024, a successful Instagram strategy for real estate agents is about combining the right mix of content types with SEO best practices. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each Instagram format and applying them to your unique brand, you can create an engaging, informative, and memorable online presence that resonates with your target audience.

If you're looking to build your business using Instagram in 2024, sign up for Coffee & Contracts and discover the ultimate toolkit that turns your real estate marketing into an engaging, lead-generating powerhouse.

Haley Ingram

Haley Ingram

Founder of Coffee & Contracts

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