Agent Spotlight, Branding & Niche
April 16, 2021

Agent Spotlight: Yackeline Leiderman - Boosting Engagement through Comedy

Agent Spotlight: Yackeline Leiderman - Boosting Engagement through Comedy
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Agent Feature: Yackeline Leiderman – Boosting Engagement through Humor

Let’s face it, being a real estate professional is no joke. Multi-offer situations, nightmare inspections, cranky clients, the list goes on. We chatted with Yackeline Leiderman, a Miami-based Realtor, to understand how she brings levity to the sometime (always?) hectic world of real estate. Read on to find out how she found her niche by creating hilarious and relatable content about the realities of real estate. 

Where do you find inspiration for your posts?

From every day life! You can see all my success and failure stories through my comedy – everything that I post has happened to me at some point in my real estate career.

How did this start?

My client sent me a video of a really bad inspection, so I posted it and added a funny text overlay. People loved it! So I started mixing those lighthearted, relatable posts with business posts. I’ve always considered myself a funny person and love to make people laugh so I figured why not try something different!

How have your funny posts boosted your engagement?

The funny posts get people on my profile and engaged, then once they’re there, they see my real estate content and listings. My account started to grow organically over time and I decided to stick with this new approach.

Showing up authentically on social media is important because….

Authenticity is a free tool to get clients. I make people laugh and at the same time, I get to show them my listings!

A few of your favorite tools to help make creating content easy?

Splice, Quick and Canva

How has Coffee & Contracts influenced your social media game?

Coffee & Contracts helped me to understand that the packaging and branding of the content is as important as the content itself. 

I stand out from the crowd by…

Meme-ing myself and making people laugh about real estate.

Any tips for realtors trying to boost their engagement or find their niche on social?

Keep it simple, original and fun! Try new things to engage with people and see what works and what doesn’t.

We admire Yackeline’s creativity and spunk on social. Connect with her on the ‘gram for a great laugh and relatable real estate content: @yackelineleidermanrealtor

Haley Ingram

Haley Ingram

Founder of Coffee & Contracts

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