Agent Spotlight, Branding & Niche
May 7, 2021

Agent Spotlight: Shanice Tucker – Building your business with niches

Agent Spotlight: Shanice Tucker – Building your business with niches
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We’ve been talking a lot about niches lately, and for good reason! “Niching down” and focusing on one or two groups of the market can really boost your business and establish you as the go-to local agent for that specialty in your area.

Today we’re excited to feature Shanice Tucker, a relocation and first-time home buying expert.

Use our step-by-step guide for establishing your own niche and read on to hear how establishing a niche has helped Shanice build her business.

What are your niches?My niches are First-Time Homebuyers and Relocations.

How did you find these niches?My age group is filled with individuals that are curious about the homebuying process or are ready to buy a home. Most of my sphere of influence hasn’t purchased a home before so that’s naturally where my business grew. Now, I feel very confident helping first time homebuyers and I genuinely enjoy it. In addition to first-time home buyers, I started getting a lot of people reaching out to me from out-of-state relocating to central Pennsylvania so I started exploring that niche as well.

Does focusing on your niche help you generate more clients?I feel like it does help me get more clients because I am very skilled in these two areas having closed so many deals with these particular types of clients. I am able to help navigate them smoothly through the homebuying process. When it comes to relocation clients, individuals are putting so much trust in you because they don’t know the area at all. With my knowledge of the area, I’m able to help them confidently navigate the homebuying process from afar.

Do you tailor your marketing material to focus on your niche?I post about the homebuying process and the necessary steps to take when first starting the process. That in turn attracts people that are unfamiliar with the steps it takes to purchase a home. I also have a private First Time Home-Buyer’s Facebook group geared directly to those clients in my market. I get a lot of my relocation clients by being active on Instagram and having a Google Business Account.

How do you make magic in your business?Being transparent, authentic, and never being afraid to share the real sides of real estate. People want to feel like they know you. They want to know they can relate to you as a human and once they feel that way they’ll be more willing to reach out to you.

What would your advice be for a realtor trying to establish a niche?I would think about the people that make up your sphere of influence and start niching from there. If you don’t have a sphere established yet, think of your ideal client and who you would enjoy working with. From there start niching down. It’s okay to have several niches or to change your niche over time!

A book you love?The Compound Effect

One of my favorite things about being a member of C&C…Collaborating with agents all over the country. I have made so many friends from being a part of this community.

How has C&C influenced your business?Coffee & Contacts has helped my business so much. I am able to put out consistent content without having to come up with it all myself. The content has helped me show up more on social media with less pressure because so much of the work is done for me.

Claudia Bell

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