Agent Spotlight: Anita Raubeson – Establishing Your personal Brand

Agent Spotlight: Anita Raubeson – Establishing Your personal Brand

“Building a brand” sounds like an exercise for large companies and high profile celebrities. 

However, in today’s digital-first world, it’s imperative that all real estate professionals establish a brand in order to become recognizable, relatable and memorable to their audience and sphere of influence. 

Read on to learn how Coffee & Contracts Member, Anita Raubeson, has built a successful real estate biz through creating and maintaining a consistent brand.

How has implementing a cohesive brand impacted your business?I believe that by having a cohesive brand I have captured the attention of my sphere and other realtors. They respect the work I put into my branding and see the dedication it takes. My goal is to always remind my people that I am a realtor and I am here to help them! 

How do you maintain consistency in your brand?I maintain consistency by always having new but similar professional photography for my social media. I also always take an educational standpoint in my posts and include my name and information at the bottom of each caption.

How has establishing a brand set you apart from the competition?I have had many people reach out to me and comment on my branding. It makes me stand out because I am memorable. Whether they remember me because of my slogan or because of the images they’re  seeing on social media. The most important thing for me is that they remember me! They have so many real estate professionals to choose from that if they can remember you, you’ve won half the battle!

What is your advice for someone looking to establish their brand as a realtor?Stay true to yourself and stay consistent!

Build your own unique real estate brand with the help of our step-by-step Branding Guide available here.

If I could credit my success to one thing, it would be…I would credit my success to consistency. I treat every transaction like it’s a million dollar deal. Because of this I have a good reputation in my town.

What is your favorite C&C tool?My favorite CC tool is the monthly calendar. I use it the most but I love everything CC has to offer. 

I believe community over competition is important because…We can all learn from each other and create a more positive environment that is crucial for success. I love supporting my real estate friends. I love teaching but also love learning from others through their experiences.

What is your favorite thing about being a real estate agent?My favorite thing about being a real estate agent is selling homes! I love making a home shine! I love working with people and providing the best customer service I can. I also love knowing that I am representing my clients best interests and really making a difference when navigating one of the biggest transactions in a person’s life. It makes me feel very good!

If I could give myself advice as a new agent starting out, it would be…It would be to find a mentor. I could not have make it through a lot of the experiences I went through starting out as a new agent without the help and advice of my mentor. She has gotten me through A LOT of hard situations. 

Claudia Bell

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