Real Estate Marketing Tips
June 21, 2022

Tips for Marketing to Your Ideal Real Estate Client

Tips for Marketing to Your Ideal Real Estate Client

Marketing to your ideal real estate client… Seems fairly striaght forward, right?! However, sometimes it can feel like your marketing efforts are not reaching the people you wish it would. Keep reading for our tried-and-tested tips for getting your message out to those you would love to do business with.

First up, Create your Ideal Client Persona

Start by reflecting on and answering these questions:

1. Who do you wish to do business with?

2. What are their goals and challenges?

3. What can you do to help them overcome their challenges and meet their goals?

Tip: Target people with home you relate, or have a shared experience (Example: Veterans, relocations, or first time home-buyers).

Next, Create Content with their Goals & Challenges in Mind

Focus on providing solutions and being a resource to your ideal client. What information do you have that would be valuable to them? Do you have expertise in relocating, or helpfing first time home buyers in a tough market? Share that knowledge with your audience to attract more of those types of clients.

Let’s take a look at some examples…

Ideal Client: Relocations

First let’s look at their goals. A relocation client’s goal is to move to your city.

Now, let’s look at what challenges they might face… they’re unfamiliar with the area, they’re unsure what home prices are like or which neighborhoods they should consider, and so on.

Finally, let’s brainstorm a few helpful resources to share that will answer to their goals and challenges:

  • Free Relocation Guide

  • Neighborhood Spotlights

  • What $X will get you in your area

  • Guide to a weekend in your city

  • Upcoming events in the area

  • Activities to do with kids in your area

  • Nearby staycations in your area

  • Local business Spotlights

  • Real estate development projects in your area

Coffee & Contracts Members: search “relocation” in your C&C Content Vault for relocation-related templates. 

Ideal Client: Investors

You know the drill here! First, let’s look at an investor’s goals and challenges. Investors wish to purchase a property that gives them a healthy return. Their challenges are finding those properties, hiring a trustworthy property management company, and ensuring they receive a solid ROI.

Now, let’s look at a few resources to share with them that will answer to their goals and challenges:

  • Pros & Cons of long term vs short term rentals

  • Upgrades that give the best return

  • Local Property Management Companies Spotlight

  • Available multi-unit properties

  • News about local real estate developments of the surrounding areas

  • Before & Afters of an investment property renovation

Coffee & Contracts Members: search “investor” in your C&C Content Vault for investor-related templates. 

Ideal Client: First-Time Buyers

For our last example, let’s look at a fist-time buyer’s goals and challenges. First time buyers would love to purchase a home. Their challenges include competition, rising interest rates, home prices, and determining if they should rent instead of buy.

Next, let’s look at a few types of resources and information that would be helpful to share with first-time buyers.

  • Rent vs. Buy Guide

  • First time Home Buyer Guide

  • Steps of the home-buying process

  • Share listings that are in a lower price range

  • Share information about the different types of loans available

  • Share success stories of your first time home buyer clients

  • Share that you can set them up on an MLS search

Coffee & Contracts Members: search “first time buyer” or “buying” in your C&C Content Vault for first time buyer related templates.

Marketing to your ideal real estate client can feel cloaked in mystery. The good news is there is a method to reaching your ideal client by understanding their goals and challenges and solving them with valuable resources and information.

Have questions about this topic? Leave a comment below or send us a message – [email protected] –We’re here to help!

Claudia Bell

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