Instagram Growth & Strategy, Real Estate Marketing Tips
July 27, 2022

Q&A: Real Estate Marketing on Social Media

Q&A: Real Estate Marketing on Social Media

This week, Coffee & Contract’s Creator, Haley, spoke at the Girls with Grit Conference at The Don Cesar Hotel in St. Petersburg, Florida. The room was full of vibrant women ready to learn more about the world of social media and growing their Real Estate businesses in today’s online world.  Thinking about what topics might resonate the most with the crowd, Haley chose to round up a list of her most frequently asked questions on the topic of real estate marketing on social media. Without further ado, let’s dive into the recap below:

How do I grow my followers and get in front of more potential clients?

  • Interact with other accounts. Check out your city’s major Instagram pages, and follow the people who recently followed those pages. Chances are they could be moving to your area and are checking out what’s going on in your city! While you’re at it, look around for accounts that share about the happenings in your city (announcing new restaurants, upcoming events, real estate developments and so on) and show your enthusiasm by commenting and interacting!

  • Show your face! Your audience wants to know what your personality is like! Seeing your face is the first step in developing the “know, like, & trust” factor with your audience.

  • Create content your audience wants: Look at your Insights to see what performs best and repurpose or repeat this content. This is a strategy our team at Coffee & Contracts implements and our audience continues to enjoy the content we share. Tip: ask your audience what they’d like to see by utilizing the polling feature on Instagram Stories. Asking your audience what they want to learn more about removes the guesswork out for you, while also boosting engagement on your Instagram Stories!

How do I make sure my account is discoverable by potential clients?

  • Focus on your Instagram profile. Use a clear, professional head shot and ensure your Display Name and Username include your name, your profession/ industry and where you serve. Remeber: These names are searchable!

  • Check out some examples:

  • Use narrow hashtags 

  • Include keywords in your captions

What should I post for my listings?

  • Go above & beyond basics Focus on showing your audience how you go above and beyond for your listings instead of sharing plain, boring graphics.

What are your best tips for Reels?

  • The goal with Reels is to get more views. The shorter the video, the more views you’ll get. Focus on using an engaging hook and getting your point across quickly 

  • Used closed captions. Most Reels are viewed without audio – don’t miss out on people watching your video by missing this important step!

  • Use trending audios. Whether you lip sync or not, using trending audios is a great way to get your video shown to a larger net of people than by using original audio only. Our recommendation: add a trending audio to your Reels! Tip: Record a voiceover narrating the video and lower the volume of the trending audio. This way, you have the benefit of getting more exposure on your videos, while adding an original spin to it.

  • Show your face. We can’t overstate this enough! People want to see the person and personality behind your business. Leverage what makes you unique!

  • Just getting started with Reels? Don’t sweat! Check out this tutorial to get moving.

How do I turn followers into leads?

  • Preview new listings in good price ranges. Note: This doesn’t mean they have to be your listings. Before you know it, people will be reaching out wanting to see what you’ve previewed. Bonus: You will have a great read on what properties are available in your market!

  • Ask simple questions & Invite people to reach out to you. Use the question box feature on Instagram Stories, or invite people to leave a comment in your captions. Make it easy for them to ask questions or to respond to your inquiries. Example: “Drop an emoji in the comments if you agree.” or “Reply to this question box and I’ll be in touch!”

  • Use a Landing page with a valuable free incentive. We’ve said it once, we’ll say it again… you don’t own your Instagram followers. Invite your followers off the app by capturing their contacts information in exchange for a valuable, free incentive you provide them. Examples: Relocation Guide, Moving Checklists, Home Maintenance Guide, etc. Read more about creative a landing page here.

  • Creative idea to capture new leads: Share “Buyer needs” posts – This gets the word out to your audience that you’re looking for something specific, and shows future potential buyers that you go above and beyond in order to find them a great home. Coffee & Contracts Members – Search “buyer needs” in the Content Vault to use our templates.

There you have it! Our top received questions about Real Estate Marketing on Social Media. Have more questions? Leave us a comment below or send us a message, we’d love to hear from you.

FYI: Coffee & Contracts is a marketing template subscription service for Real Estate Agents. Join us!

Claudia Bell

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