Instagram Growth & Strategy
May 4, 2021

10 Things to Post About in this Market

I posted on our Instagram Stories to see what our community needed more of, and needs help with.

I got a ton of feedback about needing posts for low inventory and low-interest rates, so I've compiled 10 things from past content calendars (and some new bonus ideas and templates too!) you can post right now for this crazy market.

(01) The highest offer doesn't always win


Think the highest offer on a home always wins? Think again. Here are four reasons why a seller may not choose the highest offer:

1. A buyer brings an all-cash offer: A buyer paying cash means there won’t be any financing pitfalls — and sellers LOVE avoiding pitfalls.2. A buyer can close ASAP: If a seller is antsy to get moving, an offer from a buyer who can close quickly will zoom to the top of the stack.3. A buyer shares their story. Sometimes buyers want sellers to know exactly why their house is “the one.” And sometimes, that’s all it takes for a seller to agree — especially if a seller has lived in the home for decades and their move is a sentimental one.4. A buyer doesn’t ask for contingencies. A common contingency is that a buyer must sell his or her home before buying. Sellers love when an offer is free and clear of cumbersome contingencies totally out of their control.

It’s true — you want to go in with a strong offer price-wise, but that’s not the only thing sellers are looking for. Sellers want an offer that’s competitive, clean, AND close-to-asking price — the closer you can get to all three, the better!

(02) Low Inventory - What does this mean?


Every real estate agent you know is shouting, "LOW INVENTORY! LOW INVENTORY!" Maybe so much so that you've tuned 'em out or keep thinking, so what? What's that got to do with me?

Truth is if you're a homeowner thinking to sell or home shopper looking to buy, low inventory means EVERYTHING!

FOR THE HOMEOWNER LOOKING TO SELL:• The time is NOW! With low inventory (translation: not that many homes are for sale), you're not going to have to compete with as many other homes to attract buyers.• Even with low inventory set your asking price at market value. Doing so means you’re likely to attract more buyers and possibly set off a lucrative bidding war.• You're going to get a greater return on your investment. Rising prices mean that homes are also gaining value!

FOR THE HOME SHOPPER LOOKING TO BUY:• Time is of the essence when inventory is low. Do everything you can NOW (gather down payments funds, get pre-approved, have your home ready to sell) so when you find your dream home you. can act, and act fast!• Keep your offer as "clean" as possible. Now isn't the time to pack your offer up with contingencies, concessions, closing dates, or repairs.• Beware of renegade emotions. Whether it's a competitive bidding war or losing out on another home you just KNEW was the one, fight to keep your emotions in check. Stay patient and stay in the game — the right house will come along at just the right time.

If you have even the slightest inkling of selling, DON'T PUT IT OFF any longer. At least speak with an agent who can help you assess the changing market conditions and let you know what you can expect to sell your home for — chances are you'll be pleasantly surprised!

(03) Is "Now" a good time to sell?


There’s an old adage in real estate that says you should wait until it’s time to plant spring flowers before listing a home on the market. This week’s Frequently Asked Friday is kickingthat tired way of thinking straight to the curb.

Q: Is “now” a good time to sell?A: YES! Here’s the deal. The best time to list your home was yesterday...the next best time? Today — or as soon as we can get the paperwork together!

Here’s why:

Inventory is limitedDemand is strongInterest rates are at historic lows

All of this means there’s no need to wait. If you’re thinking about selling your home, go ahead and list it! Want even more good news? In the current market, it’s reasonable to expect it to sell quickly and for asking price, possibly above. Plus, if you price it right, you’re likely to receive multiple offers!

If you know someone who’s waiting until summer to list their home, tell them NOW is the time. And if they have questions or need help, I'd be thrilled if you send ‘em my way!

(04) Is "Now" a Good Time to Buy?


No doubt you’ve heard it’s a seller’s market, but that doesn't mean buyers are getting left high and dry. All the chatter may have you wondering this week’s FAF (Frequently Asked Friday).

Q: Is “now” a good time to buy?A: I’ve got four words for you: HISTORICALLY LOW-INTEREST RATES!!!

Did you know interest rates reached their highest point in 1981 when the annual average was 16.63%? Yep. It's true. Freddie Mac said so. Now, fast forward 40 years...

Last week, the average 30-year fixed-rate hovered right around 2.8%. 2.8% for a 30-year fixed mortgage — that's incredible!

If you have decent credit, steady employment, and are seriously tired of renting, consider buying! You’ll get WAY MORE house for your dollar with interest rates this low. Curious to see how much more? Let's chat!


Use this caption with a lifestyle photo of you with a cup of coffee, in a nice listing, etc.Or get creative and hold up your fist as if "fighting" the other offers. Do the "This is Sparta" pose for a viral post! And add text that says "That feeling when you win a bidding war"

One of the most stressful situations in home buying occurs when other buyers are competing for the home you want. To make an offer on the perfect house only to find out you have entered a bidding war is certainly frustrating. ⠀Here are some quick tips I put together for how to make a multiple offer situation as comfortable and successful as possible for my buyers: ⠀1) Pick a real estate agent who is well organized and an exceptional communicator. (I'm here to be that agent for you!)⠀2) Have your pre-approval letter or proof of funds in hand.⠀3) Offer more than the asking price. ⠀4) Keep your offer clean and simple. ⠀5) Shorten the inspection period. ⠀6) Have your escrow deposit ready. ⠀7) Offer flexibility with your closing date. ⠀8) Include a personal letter with a family photo. ⠀9) Offer an additional escrow deposit after the inspection period. ⠀10) Consider an escalation clause.⠀11) Be diplomatic with negotiations after your contract is signed.

(06) How to price your home in this market

Lifestyle photo of you on your computer or phone working

I don't know if you've been on the internet much lately, but you may have heard the news: the real estate market is crazy, and the time to sell is... yesterday?

So if you've decided to take advantage of this great seller's market, your next question will be: what should I price my home at? Should you price it above market value and see what happens? Should you price it at or below market value and get a crazy bidding war going?

With interest rates at historic lows and a lower than normal inventory, if you're looking to sell, you'll 100% be in the driver’s seat.

Curious what your home is worth in today’s market? I’d love to run the numbers for you — just drop me a message.

(07) Reel Idea: How Many Offers Have You Had Rejected?

Use this sound:

In the caption, explain how you do have a ton of buyers under contract and interest rates are still very low.

(08) Reel Idea: Nope, Yep!

Use this sound:


Nope: Is there a ton of inventory right now?Yep: Can I still find a house?Nope: Can you guarantee my offer will win?Yep: Can an offer eventually win?Nope: Will we only see a couple of houses?Yep: Will we maybe have to look at a few?

(09) What's happening in the market? Instagram Story


(10) Low Inventory, Low Interest Rates

Post with a lifestyle photo of you: drinking coffee, in a nice listing, opening a door, etc.

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We may have had to physically fight other buyers at the door step of the home, and offer my client's life savings--but we did it, we are under contract!

...Totally kidding!

Yes, inventory is low right now.In April, there were [000] houses on the market, compared to [000] in April 2020.

Right now, there are [000] active listings in [City].This means we may have to fight a few more offers than usual, and we may lose a couple. But, my buyers are still going under contract.

Interest rates are crazy low right now!

An average 30-year fixed APR is at 2.889%, versus last year's 3.328%.

So, right now if you bought a $300,000 home your monthly payment would be something like $1,247/month. Last year that would have been $1,318/month. You'd be saving about $25,767 on the total cost of your mortgage!

Curious if buying is a good move for you, or want a list of what's available on the market right now in your criteria? Shoot me a message!

Haley Ingram

Haley Ingram

Founder of Coffee & Contracts

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