Real Estate Marketing Tips
May 2, 2022

May Marketing Ideas for Realtors

May Marketing Ideas for Realtors

Just like that – May is here! Today we’re talking through eight creative marketing ideas to try this month. From engaging stories to highlighting the holidays we’ve got you covered. Keep on scrolling as we dive into May marketing ideas for realtors!

Poll your audience for their feedback

On an Instagram story, use the Question sticker to ask your audience what kind of content they’d like to see you post more of, what they enjoy seeing, or if they have any questions you can answer.

Re-introduce yourself

How long has it been since you’ve re-introduced yourself to your followers? Share some fun facts about what got you into real estate, how long you’ve been doing this, and what they can expect from your page.

Cinco De Mayo

  • Share facts about Cinco de Mayo

  • Quiz your audience on the holiday

  • Share local events to celebrate the holiday in your city

  • Ask your audience their favorite local Mexican restaurants

Promote a free guide, resource, or checklist

Use a Coffee & Contracts printable guide like our Closing Costs Guide as an incentive to build your email list.

Mother’s Day

  • Share a photo of a mother-figure in your life

  • Share a quote about mothers

  • Teams: Share photos of the #RealtorMoms on your team

  • Share one of the funny Broke Agent Mother’s Day memes

Play a game on your Instagram Stories

Engage with your followers with a fun game on your stories. Use the quiz, poll, slider, or question stickers to increase engagement and entertain your followers.

Share your thanks & appreciation

Share a quote, a note of appreciation, or share a personal story. 

Teacher Appreciate Week: May 2nd – 6th

Nurse Appreciate Week: May 6th – 12th 

Memorial Day: May 30th

Try a Trending Reel Audio

Reach more new accounts by using a trending reel audio. To get 3 free audios and ideas each week, subscribe to our email newsletter here.

Access all of these marketing ideas with ready-to-use templates in our monthly membership. Join us!

Do you have any May Marketing Ideas for Realtors? We’d love to know what kinds of marketing ideas you are implementing. Let us know in the comments below.

Claudia Bell

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