April 7, 2020

Instagram Story Video Highlights

Instagram Story Video Highlights


When someone is creeping on your Real Estate Instagram page, you want to make the best first impression. Especially if they are a potential lead or referral source! The first thing they see? Your Instagram Story Highlights.

Your Instagram Story Highlights are the prime real estate spot (pun intended) to introduce yourself to people checking out your page and impress them with your content.

We frequently see people just pinning every story they have ever posted to their highlights, but don't! If you sporadically pin everything up there, it will be disorganized and irrelevant. Be thoughtful with how you structure this part of your page.

We recommend looking at your Instagram Highlights as your website pages - FAQ, About, Buyers, Sellers. Clear points people can click on and receive the information they are looking for.

That's why we created these Instagram Story Templates for you to introduce yourself, answer frequently asked questions and save them as highlights on your page.

The templates are questions for you to answer so that the video appears natural and easy to follow along or skip through. Here is a quick sample of what it will look like:

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "image", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop


On your phone,

1. Record yourself in phone selfie mode, using the script below. Try to keep the answers under 15 seconds.

On Canva on your desktop,

2. Customize the slides however you'd like, change the colors/fonts to match your branding.

3. Upload your video responses and drag them into the corresponding slides.

4. Save each of the video slides individually. If you save them altogether, they will turn into one long video.

5. Save the image slides individually as .png files The slides that have the highlight covers that say "About", "Seller FAQ" and "Buyer FAQ" as well as the slides with the question boxes for more questions.

6. Upload onto your Instagram story and save to your highlights.


About me

Hi my name is first last, I am a real estate agent with brokerage in the city/town/region area

I live in neighborhood/area/complex with my spouse/etc and our children/pets, names/details.

How long have you been in real estate?

I have been in the real estate industry for ____ years. I started as an intern for a brokerage, I started as a buyers agent on a team and worked my way up

How long have you lived in the area?

I have lived in the area for ___ years. Before that, I lived in ______.

What did you do before real estate?

After I graduated from school, I started in industry working for company as a title. After being there for years I ended up getting my real estate license and have been loving it ever since!

What's your favorite part about real estate?

My favorite part about real estate is helping people through one of the biggest milestones of their life/meeting new people every day and building connections/showing houses because I love all things home/helping my sellers get their home market ready...


What's the first step in the home selling process?

The very first step of the selling process is to set up a free consultation with me to determine what your home will sell for, how we can market it in the best light and what the process looks like.

If you're considering selling, send me a message and we will set up a a time to do this!

Is now a good time to sell my house?

People always ask: "how's the market?" (smile)

But actually; the decision to sell your house shouldn't be solely based on market conditions.

Some signs you are ready to sell are:

When you've built up a good amount of equity; When you've got cash in the bank and no debts; Or when you can afford a new home that fits your lifestyle better... Shoot me a message and I can help you determine your answers to these by running a free market analysis for you!

How does it work to sell our current home and buy a new one?

Selling a house while buying a new home can get complicated - there's no doubt about that.

Making sure two transactions are going smoothly simultaneously so that the closings will align can be stressful.

But that's why you hire a team of professionals to help you through this tricky process.

An experienced and skilled real estate agent can help you through both transactions to keep everything on track for you. If this is or will be your situation, feel free to send me a message so we can chat about it.


What's the first step in the home buying process?

You may hear me say this a ton, but I'll say it again! The first step is to get a pre-approval letter from a mortgage lender.

They will go over your financial records and determine how much home you can afford.

It's important to do this BEFORE looking at homes because you have to include your pre-approval letter with any offer you make. If you don't do this beforehand, you could miss out on getting the perfect home to someone who already had their pre-approval letter.

Feel free to ask me for my lender recommendations! (point downward to where message box will be)

Do I need 20% down to buy a house?

You do NOT need 20% down to buy a house.

While 20% is ideal because you'll pay less in interest & fees and start with more equity in your home, most Americans actually do not put down 20%

13% is the average downpayment on a US home7% is the average downpayment for first-time buyers (these stats are from realtor.com)

Don't stress - a good mortgage lender will help you determine how much you can and should put down.

What all do I need to start?

Of course the pre-approval letter from a mortgage lender is first!

But the next step, is to set up a free consultation with me to discuss our home-buying game plan.

Having this discussion will help me to understand exactly what you're looking for and help you to understand what the process looks like.

Remember that using a real estate agent to help you through your transaction is completely free to you! the seller pays all agent commissions!

How do I know it's time to stop renting and purchase my first home?

I get this question a ton, and these are some of the questions I recommend asking yourself:

  1. How much money do you have saved up for a down payment?

  2. Do you plan to stay in the area for at least a couple of years or could you be moving soon?

  3. How is your credit score?

Send me a message and I'll send you a copy of my Renting vs. Buying Guide! (On Canva Templates page under Printables)

Haley Ingram

Haley Ingram

Founder of Coffee & Contracts

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