Instagram Reels
July 1, 2021

Instagram Reels Tips to know

Instagram Reels Tips to know
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We all know the phrase…”Work smarter not harder” and, when it comes to Instagram Reels, we couldn’t agree more. Looking to propel your Reels reach to your target audience? Follow along for these Instagram Reels tips to know.

01 Share your Reels to Your Feed

Sharing your Reels to your feed is a quick and easy way to boost your views and increase your chance of going viral. Make sure to toggle the “Also Share to Feed” button on.

Tip: To keep your Instagram aesthetic looking clean, you can opt to add a cover photo to the video

02  Find Your Niche and Post Consistently

One of the quickest paths to virality is finding a niche and posting consistently. Like with most things on social media, it can take a few posts to gain momentum and traction. Keep posting, keep experimenting!

Members: refer to our Branding Guide to help you identify your niche.

03  Provide Value + Share Informative Content

Move over viral dances, Reels are also a great place to share valuable information. Creating educational videos helps position you as a subject matter expert.

A few real estate related ideas:

  • 3 things to know about the inspection period

  • Sellers: what NOT to do before an open house

  • Buyers: 3 Ways to win a multi-offer situation

Members, check out our Reels scripts and ideas in your member dashboard.

04  Include Hashtags

Including hashtags can help the instagram algorithms understand what your content is about and to serve it to relevant audiences. Make sure your hashtags are relevant and specific to the post you create.

More information on selecting the right hashtags can be found here.

05  Use Music from Instagram’s Library or Create Your Own Audio

A top tip from Instagram for getting your video exposed to more viewers is by selecting music from the Instagram music library or creating your own audio

Under the music icon, browse music curated for you, trending songs, categories, or locate a specific song using the search function.

06  Share your Reel to your Instagram Story

Finally, as mentioned above, sharing your Reel in as many places as possible exposes it to more viewers. Be sure to post your Reels to your Instagram Stories.

Tip: Cover the Reel with a sticker to encourage viewers to click and view the whole video.

That’s all folks, we hope you enjoyed this article of six Instagram Reels tips to know.

Looking to stay up on Reel trends without having to search for them yourself? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter where we deliver 3 trending Reels (with ideas to make them real estate related!). Looking for customizable real estate marketing templates? Join our community!

Claudia Bell

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