How We Build Trust on Instagram

How We Build Trust on Instagram

I don’t mean to freak you out but… people are silently watching you.  👀

It’s true. 

Think about someone you “know” on Instagram… that you don’t actually know in real life.

Chances are there are quite a few people who come to mind.

I always catch myself saying “I know this girl that does X, Y, Z” as if I’m referring to a longtime friend.

Then I stop and remind myself: I just follow that person on social media… we actually don’t know each other!

But here's the thing: I’ve developed a level of trust with this person because I’ve been following them and they’ve candidly shared their life and business with me.

I see the new projects they’re working on, I see glimpses of their personal life, I see the behind the scenes, they get vulnerable.

👉 The takeaway is this: It’s important to consistently share yourself on Instagram. People are silently watching you and building trust with you…and when the time comes for them to make real estate moves, they will think of you. (And in the meantime, they could be referring friends your way).

So... how do we build trust on Instagram? Below I go over a few strategies we've been implementing recently. Take a few of these ideas with you to get started:

1️⃣ Get personal 

People really want to know there's a human in there. And frankly, we are all a little tired of the super polished and perfectly curated veneer that social media was previously famous for.

Here are 3 prompts to get more personal:

  • “The advice I didn’t take” - Share some advice you received and why you didn’t take it. What did you embrace instead?

  • “What it looks like to prepare [for an open house]” - Grab b-roll video clips of you setting up for an open house. Change this idea up for something you’re currently preparing for in your business

  • “What [City Name] means to me” - Grab b-roll video in a coffee shop or at a local destination. List off the things you love about your city - the camaraderie, the greek food scene, the friends you’ve made, the craft cocktail scene, the golfing, the waterfront living, etc.

2️⃣ Answer a question from your ideal client

On Instagram stories, share a screenshot of a question you received from a client (text message, DM, or comment). Record yourself addressing the question. Go a step further and say “I expand on this question in my complimentary [name of your free guide or resource]. Next, save the story to a highlight called “[Ideal client type] FAQs”.

Tip: If you don’t have any questions to answer, send yourself a question and take a screenshot!

3️⃣ Preview your lead magnet

Screen record scrolling through a free lead magnet you offer. In the reels platform, add a voiceover or use the green screen feature to point out key sections in the guide. This will *really* help the viewer visualize exactly what value they're receiving. (Coffee & Contracts Members: we’ve got many, many lead magnets to choose from). 

4️⃣ Genuinely engage with followers

Think of your followers, particularly your past clients, like your friends. Engage with their stories and comment on their posts to show your interest and support. This will get them thinking of you AND it will help the algorithm put your content in front of their eyes and vice versa.

5️⃣ Show some social proof

You know that text or email you recently received singing your praises? Grab a screenshot and share it to your stories or a reel. Then, make the post about the viewer - ask them how you can help make the same outcome possible or share a related resource you offer.

Those are a few examples for how we build trust on Instagram. And now I'm curious - what do you think? What have you seen builds trust in your real estate business? Share with us below!

Coffee and Contracts is a marketing membership for real estate agents. We provide the templates, tools, and trainings to make social media your #1 lead generator.

Haley Ingram

Haley Ingram

Founder of Coffee & Contracts

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