Branding & Niche, Real Estate Marketing Tips
January 21, 2022

How to Write Your Brand Story as a Realtor

How to Write Your Brand Story as a Realtor
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How to Write Your Brand Story as a Realtor

The human brain is wired to respond to well-craftedstories.

“Brand storytelling is the cohesive narrative that weaves together the facts and emotions that your brand evokes. In addition to giving your customers reasons why they should buy a product or service, businesses need to start sharing the story behind their brand, why it exists, and why this matters, consistently across all communication.” (Celine Da Costa –Forbes)

Any good story encompasses three parts…

The Status Quo:The way things are or the initial nature of your situation

The Conflict or Change:Disrupts the situation, an unexpected change

The Resolution:How you solved the conflict or pivoted from the change

Now, apply it to your brand… Ask yourself these questions:

The Status Quo:What were you doing previously? What was your situation?

The Change:Then what changed? What challenges did you overcome? What actions did you take to land you where you are now?

The Resolution:Now what do you do?

The Who:Who do you help?

The How:How do you help them?

The Why:What do you help them achieve & why is that important?

Brand Story Example: Haley, Founder of Coffee & Contracts

The Status Quo: I was working as a real estate agent

The Change: All my leads were coming from Instagram, not cold calling. I started helping other agents with their marketing

The Resolution: I created a real estate marketing toolkit

The Who: For Real Estate Agents

The How: By providing tools, templates, and trainings

The Why: I help Realtors grow their business using Instagram

Now, turn it into a story:

I was working as a real estate agent and growing in the field, but I found all my leads were coming from my Instagram, never once a cold call.

So, I started helping other agents with their marketing. Then, Coffee & Contracts was born.

Now, I help agents generate leads on Instagram with marketing tools, templates & trainings so they can focus on doing what they do best: helping people find their dream homes.

Finally, now it’s your turn to write your brand story

Looking to take a personal branding deep dive? Jump into it with the C&C Strategy Course, available to members in the dashboard.

Claudia Bell

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