How to Grow Your Real Estate Business With Social Media

How to Grow Your Real Estate Business With Social Media

Businesses across all industries can benefit from a strong online presence, including on various social media platforms. Billions of people use social media on a daily basis, which means that a business can cast a wide net and reach a large audience by sharing regularly through these platforms. This is especially true for real estate agents and companies, as this industry relies heavily on social media to generate clients, share information, and build loyalty. Real estate businesses can use the following tips to grow and expand their reach through social media.

Use Multiple Platforms

The average American has eight different social media accounts on various platforms, including those designed for business networking, photo sharing, and personal connections. By using multiple platforms, real estate companies can ensure that they are connecting with those who use each option. Within each platform, look for groups to join that allow for the sharing of content to a targeted audience. 

Tailoring the content to the audience on each platform can also increase engagement and appeal. For example, on a business-focused social media platform, a company might share information about creating a network or marketing properties. On a photo-sharing site, a real estate agent could share beautiful images of their latest listing with a link to information about the property.

Extend to a Wide Audience 

More and more people are using the internet when searching for homes and properties to purchase, which means that real estate agents and companies have access to a larger audience of potential clients. According to the National Association of Realtors, over 90% of millennials who are looking to purchase a home are searching online for the perfect place to live. 

By offering valuable content through social media, real estate companies can extend their reach to a wider audience. An agent might share a checklist for a first-time homebuyer to consider when preparing to take the next steps in purchasing a house. A real estate company might set up hashtags to group certain content categories together to make it easier for followers to find specific topics or details. With a strong social media presence, those in the real estate industry can extend to a wide audience of people who rely on these platforms for a variety of needs.

Encourage Engagement and Conversation 

When sharing any type of information on social media, it's always valuable to encourage conversation and engagement among followers. Start this process by creating more compelling content with questions and conversation-starters in the captions. Examples include questions for buyers who have been through the buying process, a call for questions from new buyers, or information about a particular area with a request for feedback from those who live in or visit that area regularly. Sharing milestones and testimonials can also generate trust in a real estate business, so including these in a content strategy can boost engagement as well. 

With the right approach, social media can be a valuable part of any real estate company's marketing strategy. When applying these tips, it's helpful to consider what would benefit members of the company or agent's target audience, as well as what the followers engage with most often. Taking a custom approach to social media marketing can improve outcomes and help businesses grow and expand.

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