Content to Attract Your Ideal Client on Instagram

There’s a platform gaining major market share as the preferred local search engine among people aged 18-34…
It’s Instagram. (Google, we still love you!!)
Here’s why that’s good news: You can use Instagram to attract, build trust, and do business with your ideal client.
Here’s how to do it:
Identify & understand your ideal client
First, we’ll need to identify WHO you're trying to attract (your ideal client). Then, I really want you to go DEEP in understanding what this person is all about.
Let's say your ideal client is...A Tampa resident, currently renting, 27-33 years old, saving for their first home, active and outdoorsy, dog owner.
Their interests are...Biking, fitness, music, casual & healthy restaurants and happy hours.
They could be found around town...At dog parks, fitness studios, nature trails, casual eateries, and music venues.
Identify relevant content pillars
Next, let's identify the content pillars (aka overarching themes) that your ideal client would find relevant. For this ideal client, I would use:
Local info - to attract your ideal client to your Instagram page
First time buyer info - to establish yourself as knowledgable resource for your ideal client
Personal brand builders - to build trust and relatability with your ideal client
Brainstorm keyword-rich topic ideas
Now for the fun part, let's come up with topic ideas for each content pillar that *really* speak the language of your ideal client using keywords they might be searching on Instagram. (P.S. this is where Coffee & Contacts templates really come in handy!)
Local info topic ideas:
The best views for a summer sunset in Tampa
Summer bucket list: Rooftop happy hours in Tampa
Get lost with me on a Saturday afternoon in Tampa
On a free weekend, I’m biking these trails in Tampa
These Tampa establishments can’t wait to meet your dog
5-star staycation destinations under 1 hour from Tampa
First time buyer topic ideas:
Houses under [average list price] in Tampa
Tampa loan programs that made homeownership within reach for my clients
Calculate your magic number for buying a home
The playbook that saved my first-time buyers' sanity
My buyers earned money while saving for a home (the beauty of a high yield savings account)
Tampanians are flocking to these new construction communities
Personal brand builder topic ideas:
[Month] roundup - Showcasing hobbies, projects, trainings, vacations, and casual behind the scenes photos from a recent month - Shows your more personal side, helps the viewer build trust with you
Get ready for a buyer consult with me - Helps ideal clients visualize themselves in the process
What I did before I got into real estate - Let's the viewer understand your back story and build trust with you
My favorite way to spend a Sunday - Shows the viewer your personal side and preferences
The advice I didn’t take - Shows the viewer that you're a relatable human
I won't go a week without this - Showcasing what you can't live without - Helps the viewer build trust, relatability and likeness towards you
Interested in topic ideas like these ones? Coffee & Contracts offers a suite of done-for-you Instagram templates ready for you to share with your ideal client - Join us!