Instagram Growth & Strategy, Real Estate Marketing Tips
June 25, 2021

6 Questions To Ask yourself to Build Your “Know, Like & Trust Factor” on Social

6 Questions To Ask yourself to Build Your “Know, Like & Trust Factor” on Social
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Building rapport and trust with your social media audience can feel like a confusing mission. Read on for the 6 questions we recommend askiing yourself to help you build your “Know, Like & Trust” factor on social media.

To help paint a picture, we’ll refer to a realtor, Kristen, who we’ve made up for this exercise.

Question 01: Who are you? What are your values?

Meet Kristen: Kristen is a mom who loves the outdoors. On the weekends, she spends her time exploring the Tampa Bay area and getting outdoors. She has always had a gift for staying organized which helps her balance her transactions and her busy schedule. Her values are organization, family, home, and spending time in nature.

Question 02: What is your expertise or niche?

Because of Kristen’s expertise in keeping things organized, and balancing a chaotic, busy life, her niche is helping busy families like her own with a seamless transaction and move.

Question 03: Who are you talking to?

Kristen’s ideal client is someone like her: a busy, active mom who has a lot on her plate. Every time she creates content, she pretends she is speaking directly to that ideal client.

Question 04: What kind of content are you creating?

In the spirit of organization, Kristen designates different types of content & post types to each day of the week. This keeps her content consistent, fresh, and organized.

  • On Mondays she posts a motivational quote. Several people from her audience will share this to their stories, increasing her reach

  • On Tuesdays she posts a “Behind the Transaction” Reel where she shows some behind the scenes of how she stays organized in her transactions and keep her clients on top of it throughout the transaction

  • On Wednesdays she does a carousel (swipe) post with tips for staying organized in your home and daily life

  • On Thursdays she posts a funny and relatable Reel – usually related to life as a busy mom, entrepreneur, or real estate agent

  • On Fridays she features her favorite local businesses in town. She tags all of the businesses, which they share to their stories (more reach!)

  • On Saturdays & Sundays she takes a break from posting on her feed and shares her families activities and favorite outdoor activities on Stories.

Question 05: What Free Product Do You Offer?

Kristen encourages her audience to sign up for her email list by offering a freebie (in this case, a free moving checklist) to guide you through your most organized move yet.

Question 06: How do you reach new people?

People follow and engage with Kristen’s content because…

  • She entertains with relatable Reels

  • She provides easily digestible tips on organizing the home

  • She provides unique value with her expertise in organized real estate transactions

  • She provides ideas for things to do in the Tampa area

  • She has established herself as an expert by being consistent with her content and branding

Those followers eventually work with Kristen because they’ve grown to know, like and trust her.Kristen is reaching new accounts by:

  • Pleasing the algorithm with her consistent and unique content

  • Pleasing the algorithm by utilizing different post types consistently

  • Tagging local accounts in her posts

  • Creating shareable content like motivational quotes, entertaining Reels, and featuring local businesses

  • Interacting with and following accounts who seem like her ideal client

Claudia Bell

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