November 10, 2022

Trending Reel Photo Templates for Realtors

Trending Reel Photo Templates for Realtors

The photo dump trend on Instagram elevates the impact of this highly visual social site. Photo dumps feature a collection of photos thoughtfully curated to tell a story or create a particular aesthetic. Posted as a reel, these photos will scroll through quickly, packing a one-two punch into a matter of seconds.

Short but memorable, a well-done photo reel can make a great impact on viewers. This isn't just for the social media elite. Realtors can use these trending photo dump reels to market their real estate business in a fresh new way.

Quick Tutorial

A brief tutorial is a great way to utilize reels for realtors. Cover an important topic that realtors frequently field questions about, such as how to best stage a dining area, what are the most desirable bathroom features, or how one can make the best use of a tiny house. Compile a few easy steps or quick tips in photo form and share them as an informative reel that will teach viewers something new in record time.

Community Spotlight

Most realtors already have a rapid-fire list of reasons for home buyers to consider the neighborhoods that they specialize in selling. When they properly leverage the power of Instagram for realtors, they can translate this knowledge into an eye-catching photo dump reel that can gain a lot of traction for their business. Snap photos of the top highlights of the neighborhood, such as art galleries, coffee shops, playgrounds, tree-lined streets, and anything else that's worth touting to prospective buyers in the area.

Before and After

A before and after photo dump is a great way to make an impression on the Instagram audience. Consider a before and after showcase of a recently renovated home or a newly staged space. Realtors can show how a little yardwork made their latest listing look like new, or highlight the incredible difference of a smart paint job. Viewers may soon reach out to that realtor to learn more.

Micro Tour

Condense an engaging tour of the latest listing into a photo dump reel and walk viewers through the home in rapid style. This is a great way to use all those perfectly staged photos that realtors collect. Keep the mini tour cohesive so viewers can sense the layout of the home and get a feel for the flow of the space. Don't forget to include details on the next open house so interested viewers can come see the spot in person!

Day in the Life

Share a day in the life of a realtor with the Instagram audience with a series of snaps collected through the course of an ordinary day. This may include the realtor's morning coffee, computer, staging shots, open house photos, home tours, a mortgage signing, and more.

Using Instagram for realtors is a great way to connect with new audiences. Add a trending song or audio clip behind any of these photo reel templates to garner even more interest with this sleek and powerful new marketing strategy. Savvy posters can start boosting their followers in no time.

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