How often should I post on Instagram as a Realtor?

We often receive the question: How often should I post on Instagram as a Realtor? Today we’re answering this common question. The short answer? As often as you can post quality content.
The long answer:
Posting on your feed every day will give you great results – but only if the content is actually serving your audience.
Posting random memes & graphics just to post something won’t get you the same results as posting valuable content your audience loves and wants to come back for.
So, how do you focus on “what the people want?”
To find out what your audience is loving, check your Instagram Insights to see what your numbers and engagement have looked like in your previous posts.
Next, here’s what we recommend trying:
Start by choosing at least 3 types of content you know your audience enjoys. (This could be personal content, educational content, or market update content, for example). Next, assign each of these types of content to a day of the week. Below is an example of what this may look like.
Try out this posting schedule for one month, and check your Insights at the end of the month. Switch up what’s not working, and do more of what is working.
So, how often should you post on Instagram? Let’s recap.
Posting once a day is great, but only if you can produce high-quality content that your audience enjoys every day.
You do not need to post every day to see results.
We recommend figuring out a posting schedule that works for you and staying consistent for a month, then switching it up based off of what your audience is engaging with the most.
Extra time saving tip: Search for trending reel audios, templates, captions, and more from Coffee & Contracts.